Membership Overview

Membership and Eligibility

The Society shall have no maximum limit of members including the founder members/ original subscribers.Eligibility: In order to be admitted as a member of the Society, a person:

  • Must be 21 years of age on the date of admission;
  • Should subscribe to the aims and objects of the Society;
  • Must have deposited the admission fee and annual subscription fee and
  • Must not be in arrears of payment of such fee as on the date of the annual general meeting for continuing as a member;
  • Must not be an insolvent and of unsound mind; and
  • Must not have been convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude involving the imprisonment of one year or more.

The Society consists of six different categories of members as under:

(i) Life Members – A person may be admitted as a life member on payment of the prescribed fees and such person shall continue to be a member of the society for his/her life.

(ii) Ordinary Member – The Society shall have ordinary members who shall continue to enjoy their membership only so long as they are not in arrears of payment of their annual subscription fee. An ordinary member may be admitted as a tenured member, say, for a period of one year and he/she will cease to be a member of the society on completion of his/her tenure unless he/she pays the annual membership for the subsequent years.

(iii) Student members – Any person who is a student of graduate or post-graduate in agriculture & allied sciences, or is under training in an institution connected with Agricultural Research and allied sciences is eligible for consideration as a Student Member and shall apply for membership on a prescribed form to the CEC.

(iv) Corporate members – Any organization interested in the development and promotion of Wheat and Barley in India is eligible for admission as a corporate member. These could be research institutions, Universities, breeding stations (governmental or private), associations, societies or commercial firms,

(v) Patrons Distinguished Scientists/Research Managers and individuals promoting the objectives of the society may be proposed by the executive committee as patrons with or without financial involvement.

(vi)Honorary Fellows – Eminent persons who have made a valuable contributions towards the promotion of wheat and barley research, development, trade, and industry may be Honorary Fellow of the Society.