Hulless Barley: A new era of research for food purposes


Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is included in the family of grasses and is the fourth highly significant crop after maize, wheat and paddy. Barley is considered as important food ingredient because of the presence of vital biochemical constituents viz. β-glucan (3-9%), starch (62-77%), amylose (25-30%), protein (10-15%) etc. Barley is usually classified as hulless or hulled types (presence or absence of hull adhering to grain). Hulless barley needs negligible processing and preserves maximum of the endosperm and germ which is once in a while lost during the time spent dehulling. As a result, it is highly suitable for human utilization as the entire grain can be specifically utilized to form a meal or processed into flour. Hulless barley has higher levels of starch and reduced fiber concentration, therefore have high digestible energy as compared to hulled barley. Because of the presence of dietary fibre, regular intake of barley contributes to maintenance of normal blood cholesterol concentration and also beneficial in preventing certain types of cancer like colon cancer. Barley has high β-glucan content which helps in lowering of glycemic index and also causes the stimulation of bowel health. Barley β-glucans are better in glucose and insulin responses compared to oat β-glucan. β-glucan soluble fiber is found throughout the whole barley kernel so, if these grains are processed, fiber will not get vanished. For this reason food industry is anxious about expanding the utilization of these cereals as nourishment fixings and henceforth more research is merited here.


Hulless barley, health benefits, β-glucan, Amylose, Potential Uses