Padma Shri Prof M V Rao Memorial Award for Distinguished Scientist 2016

Born in a farming family at Village Lurhani, District Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh Dr Ramesh Kumar Sharma has more than 35 years’ research, coordination and extension experience mainly working with wheat crop. Since April 2005, Dr Sharma is leading the Resource Management Programme at the ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal.

Dr Sharma has made significant contributions in the field of Resource Conservation Technologies and Conservation Agriculture including fine tuning the machinery for zero tillage, raised bed planting, rotary-till drill and Rotary Disc Drill.

Dr Sharma has executed a series of international and national projects and has more than 380 publications, including 65 peer reviewed research papers, 80 popular articles, 30 bulletins, 3 books, 3 manuals, more than 20 book/compendium chapters, more than 12 seminar/symposia papers, more than 30 technical reports and more than 65 abstracts in national and international seminar/symposia.

Dr Sharma was a member of the interim scientific board of the G-20 international wheat initiative for the year 2012. He was recipient of Jawahar Lal Nehru Award-1995 and Manthan Award 2009. He has visited Syria, Nepal, Bangladesh, Mexico, Australia and Canada as an Indian delegate to various seminar/symposia and international meetings.